CECILIA2050 event at the UN climate change conference "Our Common Future Under Climate Change"


9 July 2015



On the 9th July 2015, members of the CECILIA2050 consortium will present some of the final results and insights gained from the multi-annual research project at the UN climate change conference "Our Common Future Under Climate Change" in Paris. During the session, a number of key aspects for a successful European climate policy will be addressed. This includes the question of how the EU's energy infrastructure should look like in 2050, how a shift towards a low-carbon economy can be financed, and how this development could be affected by uncertain external factors. Furthermore, the members of the CECILIA2050 consortium will discuss the role of the EU's governance system for the future of the EU's climate policy mix.

The session, titled "Effective design and implementation of EU climate policy", will be held between 16:30 and 18:00 pm in the UNESCO Bonvin - ROOM XIV.