EU Climate Policies towards a Low-Carbon Economy


23 October 2015

On the 23rd of October 2015, the BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change held its final Workshop “EU Climate Policies Towards a Low-Carbon Economy”. The workshop presented the main results of the CECILIA2050 research project and focused on its ultimate goal: to assess the current EU climate policies in order to formulate near-term and medium-term policy recommendations. Relevant questions that were addressed during the workshop were:

  • How effective and efficient have the EU climate policies been in the past?
  • How could and should the EU climate policy mix evolve to put the EU on track towards a low-carbon economy?
  • How should climate and energy policy should interact? What are the risks associated to climate policy fragmentation?

If you would like to see the detailed programme of the workshop, please visit the event website of the Basque Centre for Climate Change.