The CECILIA2050 research project is entering its last and third year and is preparing to focus on its ultimate goal of formulating near-term and medium-term policy recommendations: how could and should the EU climate policy mix evolve to put the EU on track towards a low-carbon economy? What is the role for economic instruments (carbon pricing) in the policy mix, and for which decisions are planning tools necessary? How should climate and energy policy should interact?
It is one thing to analyse which policies appear most efficient and effective. Yet, to be implemented successfully, any policy mix will also need public acceptance – in the current political and economic climate even more so than in the past. In this context, the objective of this workshop will be to explore the acceptability of different types of climate policies, in order to understand how the design of policy instruments affects their acceptability. This will be explored both at the EU level and at the Member State level, such as the Czech Republic.
The workshop is meant to provide a forum to discuss different approaches and policy instruments (market based vs. technology focused vs. behavioural), looking also at public preferences for different policy approaches and, therefore, their acceptability. 30-40 participants will articipate in the event, including experts from academia, from government, think tanks and civil society. This small group will allow for a targeted debate and will give everyone the opportunity to contribute directly to the conversation. The day before, CECILIA 2050 consortium is hosting an internal meeting, presenting and debating current analysis on climate policies in Europe beyond 2020, which will bring non-Chez experts into town that could also participate in the workshop.