On 9 June 2015, members of the CECILIA2050 project consortium hosted a side event at the UNFCCC June Climate Change Conference (SB42) in Bonn, Germany. The event highlighted results and lessons learned from the three year research project as well as key insights from the project's final stage of work, which serves as a synthesis and summary of options for EU climate policy in the short and long term, i.e., before and after 2030 respectively. During the session, a particular focus was placed on challenges to the decarbonisation of Europe's economy such as electricity market reform, electrification of mobility and infrastrucuture choices in the face of policy uncertainty. The session also underlined the role of a carbon price, describing three possible scenarios for the development or absence of carbon pricing as a part of the EU's climate policy toolbox. The presenation further argued that the optimal time frame for a strong price signal may be diminishing rapidly or have already passed.