CECILIA2050 Policy Brief N. 1

Current EU Climate Policy: An Optimality Assessment

The first policy brief summarises the results of the research that has been conducted so far by the CECILIA2050 project.

The policy brief starts with a presentation of the central conclusions on the current EU climate policy mix, against a definition of optimality that was developed specifically by the CECILIA2050 research consortium. In a next step, it synthesises lessons learned from nine case studies, which assessed the respective policy mix in place at the EU level and in a number of EU member states (Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom).

In the following section, possible solutions to overcome the current shortcomings are outlined. Based on the results of the assessment and lessons learned from the current policy mix, the policy brief presents five recommendations for policy design going forward. In short, these recommendations are:

  1. Optimal policies need acceptance to buy-in to enhance feasibility.
  2. Optimality in a changing world requires both stability and flexibility to learn.
  3. Optimal policies require a long-term perspective.
  4. Carbon pricing is not a panacea but needs to be a crucial part of the policy mix.
  5. EU harmonisation can improve efficiency but must not stifle regional and local action.

In its final section, the policy brief provides some background information on a newly developed concept of optimality, which includes the three criteria: cost-effectiveness, efficiency and feasibility.



European Commission

Year of publication: 


Number of pages: